„Scouts discover the World“
This is a concept for Scout patrols all over the World. Through this Project, Scouts from different areas or countries can learn more about other Scouts from WFIS. Some of the tasks for yyour patrol are to collect information about:
• maps and information about the city they live in
• maps and information about the country they live in
• the name and the history of the patrol
• one picture of the scouts and leaders with a WFIS Flag
• make a small nature protection project in your area and write a documentation about it
• do a “Good Turn” project for some persons in your area and do a documentation about it
• what they are doing to prepare themselves for the next WFIS regional Jamboree
• a popular dish from the region they live
• your famous scout song, your famous dance
• a legend or folk tale
• a special game and popular handicraft from the country

    More Information available at WFIS Projects on this website