Dear Brother and Sister Scouts
On behalf of the WFIS Europe Steering Committee, I would like to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
In the year which has passed, we have only been able to do Scout work for short periods, due to COVID, in some countries there have been limits on how many people can meet together and for some, they have only been allowed to meet outside.
However, it has been super to hear news from Groups as to what they have been doing, despite the virus and the handicraft project produced some wonderful examples of what Scouting children can produce at all ages, so well done, winners to be announced soon.
Most Groups have lost members over the two years but I urge you to stay positive as we go into 2022 because vaccines and hopefully a weaker virus, should mean we can soon return to our normal Scouting work.
I would like to encourage everyone to have the vaccine, to be safe themselves and to protect others.
Hopefully we will meet again in Austria, at Eurocamp but until then, I have great confidence in all of you to do your best to maintain the Scouting spirit and to remember that together we are strongest.
Yours in Scouting
Margon Sørensen
WFIS-Europe e.V.
1st Chairman
Season’s Greetings WFIS World Council Download Season’s Greetings 2021