The long awaited relaunch of the Euroletter is finally available.

In this issue you will find articles about the General Assembly, information about the projects (Pionet extended first phase!)
and invitation to camps. Moreover we have reports about an expedition to the Ukraine, the story of a camp in Italy at which some of our members participated
together with Baden Powell Scouts D’Italia and finally impressions from a St. Georges Parade, the annual workshop and the big event of 2018 the Eurocamp in England.
We hope you all enjoy this issue.

Special thanks to George Mangion for collecting articles and Giorgio Meo for the layout. And a very special thank you to all who handed in articles and information for this
issue, without your work this would not have been possible!

That leads to a kind of standard request from the Euroletter team – please send arcticles for coming issues. Ideally plain text and photos as separate files. We are looking forward to
your contributions.

Euroletter 1 19-3