160 years after the birth of Baden-Powell, Scouting remains strong, with a united friendship of like minded Scouts and leaders throughout the world. Baden-Powell wanted Scouting “to bring up the next generation as useful citizens with a wider outlook than before and thereby to develop goodwill and peace in the world through comradeship and co-operation.”
He saw the Promise and Law as a way to prevent wars and conflicts: “It is the spirit that matters. Our Scout Law and Promise, when we really put them into practice take away all occasion for wars and strife between nations.”
How sad, that in the last year we have seen so many conflicts and so much misery across the world.
Many of our Beavers, Cubs and Scouts will grow up to become leaders at work, in their communities and even of their countries. As we celebrate Founders Day/Thinking Day, let us help to put the spirit of Scouting in every child in the hope that this spirit will remain with them as they go through life and help them to make good decisions in their adult life.
Together we can make a difference, together we are strongest.
Happy Founders Day